Legislation: Mineral Act No. 50 of 1991

Mineral Act
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Mineral Act
No. 50 of 1991

The purpose of the act is to regulate the prospecting for and the optimal exploitation, processing and utilization of minerals; to regulate the orderly utilization and the rehabilitation of the land surface during and after prospecting and mining operations.

Chapter I. Introduction (Section 1)

Chapter II. Administration (Sections 2-4)

Chapter III. Authorization to prospect and to mine (Sections 5-16)

Chapter IV. Optimal exploitation and utilization of minerals (Sections 17-25)

Chapter V. Safety and health (Sections 26-37)

Related "Applications" links

Chapter VI. Rehabilitation of surface (Sections 38-42)

The rehabilitation of the surface of land in any prospecting or mining shall be carried out by the holder of the prospecting permit or mining authorization concerned in accordance with the environmental management programme or/and as an integral part of the prospecting or mining operations concerned.

The holder of the prospecting permit or mining authorization concerned must submit an environmental management programme in respect of the surface of land concerned in any prospecting or mining operations or such intended operations.

In order to limit any damage to or the disturbance of the surface, vegetation, environment or water sources to the minimum, the Director: Mineral Development may issue directives and determine conditions in relation to the use of the surface of land comprising the subject of any prospecting permit or mining authorization.

Chapter VII. Transitional provisions (Sections 43-50)

Chapter VIII. General and miscellaneous provisions (Sections 51-70)

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