White Paper on Biodiversity: biodiversity policy and strategy for South Africa

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A Biodiversity Policy and Strategy for South Africa

Goal 1: Conserve the diversity of landscapes, ecosystems, habitats, communities, populations, species and genes in South Africa.

The conservation of biodiversity includes measures required to protect, maintain, rehabilitate, restore and enhance biodiversity. South Africa's approach to conserving its remarkable diversity of landscapes, ecosystems, habitats, communities, populations, species and genes in the country, has eight main components:

In pursuing this approach, Government recognizes:

        that biological diversity is best conserved in the wild (in-situ), through the conservation and restoration of ecosystems and natural habitats, and the maintenance and recovery of viable populations of species in their natural surroundings;
       that ex-situ measures will primarily complement in-situ measures; and
        that an integrative approach will address threats to biological diversity, and establish priorities for its conservation. Conservation efforts will focus not only upon relatively "natural" landscapes, but will include areas modified by human activities, and will seek to enhance the contribution which biodiversity makes to human welfare.

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Goal 2: Use biological resources sustainably and minimize adverse impacts on biological diversity

This section describes South Africa's plans for meeting three key requirements of the Convention:

        the integration of biodiversity considerations into national decision-making;
        the sustainable use of biological diversity; and
        avoiding or minimizing adverse impacts on biodiversity.

The section is divided into four parts:

Goal 3: Ensure that benefits derived from the use and development of South Africa's genetic resources serve national interests

    3.1.   Control access to South Africa's indigenous genetic resources through the introduction of appropriate legislation and establishment of institutional structures

    3.2.   Ensure continued access to sources of genetic material for food, agriculture and forestry

Goal 4: Expand the human capacity to conserve biodiversity, to manage its use, and to address factors threatening it

    4.1.   Increase public appreciation, education and awareness of the value and importance of biodiversity, and public involvement in its conservation and sustainable use

    4.2.   Improve the knowledge and understanding of South Africa's biodiversity necessary for its effective conservation

      4.2.1.   Research
      4.2.2.   Inventories
      4.2.3.   Monitoring and Evaluation
      4.2.4.   Data and Information
      4.2.5.   Traditional Knowledge

    4.3.   Enhance the capacity necessary to conserve and use South Africa's biological diversity sustainably

Goal 5: Create conditions and incentives that support the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity

South Africa's approach towards achieving this goal has two main components:

    5.1.  Beneficiating Biodiversity
    Promote and develop economic opportunities that are compatible with and which complement the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity

    5.2.  Incentives
    Create and implement incentives that support the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity

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Goal 6: Promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity at the international level

The conservation of biodiversity requires global action. Since the impacts of ecosystem degradation reach beyond national boundaries, transfrontier cooperation is necessary.

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